LSSE is currently the Municipal, Borough or Township Engineer for twenty municipalities that have a PADEP Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4), National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. LSSE has facilitated the development and implementation of a community-specific MS4 program to meet the requirements set forth under the NPDES permit.
LSSE’s implementation of the MS4 program has included preparation of the NPDES permit application and renewal of the permit based on the 5-year permit cycle.
LSSE also prepared draft Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) plans for those municipalities who were required to file a plan. The TMDL’s assigned by the PADEP to the receiving waters have been reviewed and a TMDL plan has been prepared for each municipality that is tailored to addressing the pollutants present in the municipalities receiving waters as specified by EPA or DEP.
- Municipal
- Civil-Site Engineering
- Stormwater Management and Facilities Engineering
- Geographic Information Services
- Surveying Services