LSSE assists in preparing mapping utilizing both aerial photography, LIDAR and field surveying utilizing GIS to meet our project and client needs. MARKETS: Municipal Institutional Utilities and Energy SERVICES: Geographic Information Services
TRAISR has been assisting local municipalities with support with their asset and infrastructure management as well as streamlining daily work flows of inspections, code enforcement, maintenance, repairs, and data management. MARKETS: Municipal Institutional Utilities and Energy SERVICES: Geographic Information Services Surveying Services
LSSE provided planning, design, permitting and construction phase services for an innovative potable water treatment project to remove nitrate from a drinking water supply for the Martinsburg, Pennsylvania Water System. This treatment facility has a very small carbon footprint consuming substantially less energy and natural resources than typical conventional treatment alternatives. As compared to conventional […]
LSSE completed a Water System Master Plan including a comprehensive evaluation of existing water system facilities which was followed by computer modeling of the existing finished water storage and distribution system, permitting, and engineering and design phase services. The project included a .70 MG welded steel reservoir and a .75 MG welded steel hydropillar (elevated […]
LSSE provided engineering and construction phase services for Center Township Water Authority’s new $63 million potable water source of supply and surface water treatment plant. This complex public works project is being delivered in two phases on an accelerated schedule dictated by a third-party requiring an 18-month period for completion of alternatives analysis, treatability studies, […]
Municipal Basemap/aerial photo overlay with Storm and Sanitary Sewers, Fire Hydrants, Roads and Contours Coraopolis, Allegheny County, PA MARKETS: Municipal Institutional Utilities and Energy SERVICES: Geographic Information Services