LSSE provides civil engineering, design and surveying services for facility expansion plans, new facility construction, permitting and cross-country routing of rights–of–way for transmission and distribution lines in south-western Pennsylvania.


LSSE has assisted regional gas distribution utilities for development of project documents, permits and construction plans for maintenance, long-term capital improvement projects and emergency leak repairs throughout south-western Pennsylvania.  LSSE has provided rights–of–way surveys, permitting and miscellaneous design services for installation of hundreds of miles of potable water supply distribution piping and transmission mains.

Services Provided:

  • Preparation of Highway Occupancy Permits (HOP) for Site and Utility Company Projects
  • ESCGP2 Permits for both Drilling Pad Sites and Gas Pipeline Plans
  • Chapter 105 Permits
  • Chapter 102 NPDES Permits and USACE Section 404 Permits
  • Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plans
  • Design, Surveying, Permitting and Construction Phase Services for Pipelines
  • Preparation of Stormwater Management Plans
  • Site Assessments Including Route Studies, Roadway Weight Limit and Condition
  • Wastewater Containment, Pumping, Storage and Disposal Studies
  • Zoning Ordinance Review and Issue Resolution
  • Municipal Meeting Attendance and Presentations
  • Surveying And Mapping for:
    • As-Built Records
    • Rights-of-Way
    • Property/Subdivision/Lease Plans
    • Aerial Control
    • ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys
    • Construction Stake-Out
    • GIS/Land base and Asset Inventory