LSSE provided engineering, permitting and surveying services for a stormwater management and stream erosion improvement project that included a Base Bid and four add alternates for storm sewer improvements along Lasalle Avenue and Louisiana Avenue. LSSE’s scope of services for all phases of the project included: Approximately 175 LF of 18″, 175 LF of 15″, […]
LSSE provided engineering services to Duquesne University to assist them in determining site conditions and issues associated with development of an 80-acre site on the Allegheny River in South Buffalo Township, known as “Murphy’s Bottom.” The project was funded through PaDEP. Duquesne University, in partnership with the PaDEP and other stakeholders, proposed to develop research, […]
LSSE assists in preparing mapping utilizing both aerial photography, LIDAR and field surveying utilizing GIS to meet our project and client needs. MARKETS: Municipal Institutional Utilities and Energy SERVICES: Geographic Information Services
LSSE prepared Pollutant Reduction Plans for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer (MS4) Permittee clients in 2017. Customized tools and customized were developed to perform to compile and analyze data related to delineation of storm sewersheds, analysis of land cover condition and calculation of pollutant loadings. MARKETS: Municipal Utilities and Energy SERVICES: Civil-Site Engineering Stormwater Management and […]
TRAISR has been assisting local municipalities with support with their asset and infrastructure management as well as streamlining daily work flows of inspections, code enforcement, maintenance, repairs, and data management. MARKETS: Municipal Institutional Utilities and Energy SERVICES: Geographic Information Services Surveying Services
LSSE is currently the Municipal, Borough or Township Engineer for twenty municipalities that have a PADEP Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4), National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. LSSE has facilitated the development and implementation of a community-specific MS4 program to meet the requirements set forth under the NPDES permit. LSSE’s implementation of the […]
As part of its role on the 3 Rivers Wet Weather (3RWW) Program Management Team and subsequent to the 3RWW Green Infrastructure Pilot Project. LSSE provided engineering planning services and lead technical assistance for the ALCOSAN Source Control Study to develop a process to identify site locations for installation of Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) in […]
LSSE was retained after repeated attempts by prior engineers failed to provide an LTCP compliance program that was acceptable to PADEP. LSSE first assisted the Borough in negotiating an acceptable Consent Order including a reduction in assessed penalties. LSSE followed with a work plan for CSO Policy/NPDES Compliance including documentation and implementation of the nine […]
LSSE provided design and construction phase services for the installation of approximately 145,000 LF of sanitary collection sewers, 7 new lift stations, 1 pump station upgrade/ modification, installation of 884 manholes, 236 grinder pumps, 76,000 LF of force main with connection to 2 regional wastewater treatment facilities (Beaver Falls and Ellwood City) designed to provide […]
LSSE is one of three lead firms on the 3 Rivers Wet Weather Program Management (PM) Team on this multi-year contract. Since 2003, LSSE’s involvement in the PM contract has included a diverse range of services including interpretation of municipal obligations under federal, state, and local regulatory orders and preparation of various guidance templates for […]